AfterGlow, LLC is offering AfterGlow® brand photoluminescent safety products and AfterGlo® brand photoluminescent safety paint for a variety of applications on ships and boats. The AfterGlow® brand is one of only two manufacturers' photoluminescent safety products approved by the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command for shipboard use.
AfterGlow® brand photoluminescent safety products are installed on a number of U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships and are being used extensively in the Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77).
AfterGlow® branded products are being used extensively at ship damage control stations. Materials include photoluminescent substrate signage backing as well as tens of thousands of individual letters and numbers punched out of retroreflective material including the new larger-format signage.
AfterGlow® branded photoluminescent shipboard safety products can be purchased online through the AfterGlowDirect.com Web Site.
A new addition to the AfterGlow® brand product line, SleeveLight™, is a high-performance, rechargeable, long-lasting, cylindrical photoluminescent sleeve with a cruciform cavity running its length. SleeveLight™ slides over chains, wires, ropes, rods, and straps to provide a versatile, cost-effective, glow-in-the-dark, marking capability that can help prevent personnel injuries and equipment damage in low-light situations where safety is a concern. Flight decks on aviation-capable ships and cargo decks on naval and merchant vessels often present a dimly-lit maze of tie-downs of various types, and the possibility of personnel injury from an unplanned encounter is very real. The probability of injury is only heightened during an emergency when people are moving fast and distractions abound.